Imagine you have a customer loyalty card that you use to collect points to win products. However, you move to another country and thus all your accumulated points become obsolete. Wouldn't it be cool to sell your loyalty card for its value so you can get a piece of the pie too, or gift it to a loved one so they can enjoy future perks? This is where blockchain technology comes into play again.
We worked with Pesko, one of Switzerland's most successful retailers of high-end sporting and fashion goods, to develop a new approach to their customer loyalty program using blockchain technology, launched to celebrate their 111th anniversary.
Pesko customers can now collect Pesko tokens when purchasing their goods and services, which can then be redeemed for attractive offers as well as 111 prizes - for example, a lifetime ski service in the form of an NFT. Since it is an NFT, the customer has full power of disposal over its ownership. If the ski service is no longer needed, the customer can sell it or give it to someone else.